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Textile Sonore Interactif

Fils et plantes de Linen, fil d'argent conducteur, composantes électroniques, aimant et Plexiglas recyclé


Interactive Sound Textile
Linen threads and plants, conductive silver thread, electronic components, magnet   and recycled Plexiglas



Ryth Kesselring / Sound textiles, Textiles sonores
Ryth Kesselring / Sound textiles, Textiles sonores
Ryth Kesselring / Sound textiles, Textiles sonores

Ecosystems is an interactive installation composed of weavings, sonic elements and growing flax plants. The panels are woven with linen and the autonomous installation interacts with its immediate environment measuring ambient light and the humidity in the soil of the growing plants. In response to these factors the sonic composition is changing, modulating an ongoing composition according to the environmental measurements. The subtle additions to the Sonosphere are emerging through embroidered textile speakers embedded on the woven panels. The composition is made out of recordings of the weaving loom and sounds from the natural environment of the plants. 


The plants are growing within a synthetic environment under the close surveillance of sensors and sounds. The dialogue between the growing flax plants and the woven linen panels reflects on recent speeches about ecology and new political measures put in place by many Western leaders. Analyzing the “Green New Deal” based on the antagonistic speech of capitalism is like trying to accommodate ecological urgency and neoliberal growth policies. Why should the plant grow better in this artificial system of care? The sonic inputs played back to the plant are from its natural environment, as if such sonic memories hold the plant in place. The Anthropocenic resilience is ultimately not responding to our urge to control nor a camouflage of the dogma of eternal growth. 

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